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Why Pregnancy massage?

As women transition into a new expanded area of their life, positive support is important.

Becoming pregnant can often awaken a journey of mystery. All of a sudden pregnancy is not a state that is removed, but now very personal and real. Lots of questions can come from deep within, and at times can set off at times our fight, flight and fright responses. Our nervous system needs calming and regulating through this time. Space and physiological sensations of calm can come from pregnancy massage, allowing the woman to feel more stable to make appropriate responses and decisions moving forward.

As the body changes, so do many different sensations. For the first pregnancy this can seem very unusual. Again massage can relieve these and give a moment for the body to restore and revive during the extra pressure on the normal body functions. Massage as a form of bodywork brings awareness and a new opportunity to self regulate the woman's ability to rest well between visits too.

Labour is not a time that just arrives with no preparation. 9mo of pregnancy is the perfect training ground to prepare both mum and bub to join together and start life together. Research shows that a pregnancy massage plan can reduce trauma birth by 33%. Also reducing affects of stress, back and leg pain, depression and anxiety, increased immune response, increased serotonin and dopamine, higher birth weight and decreased risk of pre term labour.

Placing the body, mind and soul in alignment, through massage, on a regular basis during pregnancy is definitely a worthwhile investment. Massage is beneficial and safe throughout all trimesters.

The female body, mind and soul is designed beautifully to handle this period of change. Finding resources around situations as they arise, applying the solutions discovered, and getting the results dreamed of is a great quality of women.

There is nothing more enhancing than supporting woman as they discover these resources, without doubt put them into action and get the results they dream of. We are definitely better together.

If this resonates, let's work together.

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